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Medizinische Fakultät

ERC for me

Are you a physician-scientist and considering submitting an ERC proposal? Then you may want to apply for support from ERC-FOR-ME and be awarded 40% protected research time for 12 months to prepare your ERC proposal.

Proposal can be submitted any time (no deadline).


About the program

Researchers of the Faculty of Medicine successfully acquire ERC grants, but physician-scientists are underrepresented amongst the grantees. In contrast to researchers without clinical duties, physician-scientists often have insufficient time for generating preliminary data that are necessary for a competitive application for an ERC starting or consolidator grant. In addition, time to write the grant proposal is lacking. We want to improve this situation through ERC–FOR–ME, a funding program for physician-scientists.

Physician-scientists, who are employed at the University of Zurich or one of its four University hospitals and have an unequivocal intention of submitting an ERC starting grant (StG) or consolidator grant (CoG) and consider themselves within the top-10% regarding scientific excellence, can apply for the ERC–FOR–ME program. Please, see under “Eligibility” for further information.

Successful applicants will be supported by 40-50% protected research time (not less) for an uninterrupted period of at least 12 months (max. CHF 100’000) preceding the StG or CoG application deadline. During the period of support, applicants must be employed by UZH or one of its four University Hospitals in Zurich.

Physician scientists planning to submit a StG or CoG can equally apply for ERC–FOR–ME. Maximally one ERC–FOR–ME grant (intention StG or CoG) per call will be supported. Because of the difference in “academic age”, applicants for ERC–FOR–ME (StG) and ERC–FOR–ME (CoG) will not be directly compared; the main criterion is academic potential with the given academic age.

ERC–FOR–ME grantees must submit their ERC grant application in response to the first possible call towards the end of ERC–FOR–ME supported time.

For more information, please click here:ERC-for-me_guidlines (PDF, 157 KB)


Prof. Maries van den Broek
Vice Dean Research

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