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Faculty of Medicine Junior Staff Development and Equal Opportunity

Junior Staff Development and Equal Opportunity

Welcome to the website of the Faculty of Medicine's Equal Opportunities and Support for Early Career Researchers. We consider equal opportunities and diversity to be essential prerequisites for scientific quality. Our aim is to create opportunities for junior academics through cross-level measures and thereby promote equal opportunities in medical research and teaching in the long term.

Weiterführende Informationen


Dr. phil. Diana Baumgarten

Head of Junior Staff Development and Equal Opportunity


044 634 48 55

Office days: Mon, Wed-Fri

Pestalozzistrasse 3

CH-8032 Zürich


Hanna Janssen

Junior Staff Development and Equal Opportunity


044 634 48 42

Office days: Mon, Wed, Thu

Pestalozzistrasse 3

CH-8032 Zürich

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