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Faculty of Medicine Junior Staff Development and Equal Opportunity

Inclusive Language

Language is powerful. It influences the way we perceive and shape the world.
Choose a language that speaks to, respects, and values everyone equally.

Language and image guides for UZH employees

In its Gender Policy Code of Conduct, the University of Zurich has committed itself to promoting non-discriminatory language.

The latest version of all guides can be found here via the UZH Equality and Diversity Department.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at the MeF's Equal Opportunity and Junior Staff Development Department at any time.


This Code of Conduct gave rise to the UZH Guidelines Geschlechtergerecht in Text und Bild (PDF, 654 KB), which is available to employees of the University of Zurich as a basis for the useage of inclusive language in their communication.


TheUZH English Writing Guide (PDF, 1 MB) provides guidance on inclusive language in chapter 2.3.


In the context of discrimination, words and terms are often used that can cause confusion and misapplication if not understood correctly.

In our glossary, we have explained some of these terms in more detail.