For students from foreign universities who complete a part of the practical year (PJ) at the University Hospital Zurich, or at any other approved hospital, the Office of student affairs of the Medical Faculty can issue the so-called “equivalency certificate”, which is used for recognition at the home university or at the German state examination offices of the four-month period (Tertial) in Zurich.
To apply for the equivalency certificate, the following documents are required:
- The form Aequivalenzbescheinigung (DOCX, 52 KB), duly filled out, and indicating your address
- The "certificate of practical training in the clinic", duly signed. Please ensure that the form is duly stamped with the Clinic stamp and signed by the relevant physician. Antedating is not allowed.
- Please transfer the fee (CHF 50.-) to the Postal account (Postkonto)
N° 30-772260-9 of the Finance Department of the University of Zurich, 8001 Zurich, or via E-banking.
For transfers from abroad (eg. from Germany) use the following data:
Account number: 30-772260-9
IBAN for electronic transfer: CH7809000000307722609
IBAN for printing on paper: CH78 0900 0000 3077 2260 9
and place a copy of the payment receipt into the envelop.
- A stamped envelope for reply.
Please send all together to:
University of Zurich
Faculty of Medicine, Dean's Office
Pestalozzistrasse 3
8032 Zurich - Switzerland