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The 6-year Chiropractic Medicine Program teaches students the science-based medical and chiropractic knowledge which is the foundation of chiropractic medicine. The first four years of study include in full the curriculum of the Human Medicine Program. In addition, the students are taught the skills and abilities specific to Chiropractic Medicine in mandatory modules (Mantelstudium). During years 5 and 6, the teaching content pertains mainly to subjects related to Chiropractic Medicine. Graduates will earn a Master’s degree in Chiropractic Medicine.
The Faculty of Medicine has adapted its programs in order to conform with the Bologna model. Credit points are awarded according to the ECTS system. The first three years of study are identical to the Human Medicine Program. Moreover, the students are required to take the mandatory modules in Chiropractic Medicine, learning the fundamentals of chiropractic practice. The course load consists of approx. 2 hours per week in the first, 4 hours per week in the second and 6 hours per week in the third year of study. At the end of the third year, students are awarded a Bachelor of Medicine.
The master’s course in Chiropractic Medicine is a distinct course of study within the Faculty of Medicine. In the first year of the master’s course, the students again are required to take all classes of the Master’s program in Human medicine. In addition, they continue to attend modules in Chiropractic Medicine for about eight hours a week. Over the course of the second year the focus is predominantly on acquiring specific chiropractic abilities and skills. The third and final year is dedicated to clinical training. The students spend five months in rotations in the different departments of Balgrist University Hospital: Orthopaedics, Rheumatology, Neurology and Paraplegiology, Radiology and Internal Medicine. A further six months are spent as interns in the Balgrist University Hospital’s Policlinic of Chiropractic Medicine, where their diagnostic and therapeutic skills will be further honed. At the completion of the Master’s Degree program, students are awarded a Master’s of Chiropractic Medicine. The Master’s degree is a prerequisite to apply for the Federal examination in Chiropractic Medicine, which again, upon passing is a prerequisite for employment and acceptance into the post-graduate program. A dissertation may be submitted one year after the Master’s degree at the earliest. After the recognition by the medical faculty, the title of Dr. of Chiropractic Medicine (Dr. med. chiro.) will be awarded.
Upon completion of the 2-year postgraduate program at the Swiss Chiropractic Academy, graduates are admitted to the qualifying examination in Chiropractic. Upon passing, they are qualified for independent practice. Career prospects for both self-employment and employed positions are very attractive. Moreover, diverse opportunities are available for working abroad.
The terms of admission to the Chiropractic Program are identical to those for the Human Medicine Program. Swiss citizens as well as foreign nationals have to meet certain criteria in order to be admitted. If the number of applications exceeds the number of places available by more than 20%, an aptitude test is performed. Prospective students must register by the 15th of February of each year at Swissuniversities ( Physicians with a degree in Human Medicine may make up the required modules of the Bachelor Program in Chiropractic Medicine in an abbreviated process and afterwards enter the regular of the Master’s in Chiropractic Medicine program.
Further information can be found on the websites of ChiroSuisse (Association of Swiss Chiropractors) and SCS (Swiss Chiropractic Students).
You will also find two very informative movie clips about the Chiropractic Program on YouTube:
Chiropraktik studieren an der Uni Zürich (Deutsche Originalversion) Chiropraktik studieren an der Uni Zürich - ENDSPURT (mit dt. Untertiteln)Development, implementation and monitoring of the curriculum of the University of Zurich’s Chiropractic Medicine Program (Bachelor of Human Medicine, Required Modules in Chiropractic Medicine and Master of Chiropractic Medicine).
Planning, development and execution of research projects in the field of chiropractic medicine.
Since fall 2011, the clinical education of future chiropractors takes place at the Balgrist University Hospital.
6-year accredited university program in accordance with the Swiss Federal Law of the Medical Professions (Medizinalberufegesetz MedBG).
Head Chiropractic Medicine Department and
Chair of Chiropractic Medicine
Prof. Dr. med. Petra Schweinhardt, PhD
Dr. Mirjam Baechler, DC MMEd
Dr. Patricia M. Schaller, DC
Department Assistants
Ms. Eva Ruiz, Chiropractic Medicine
Ms. Elisabeth König, Teaching Clinic