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The Faculty of Medicine at the University of Zurich is one of the world’s leading health institutions.
Research at the Faculty of Medicine involves the areas of innovation, translation, and implementation.
Through freedom of research and by providing outstanding infrastructure, the Faculty of Medicine fosters excellence in research and trains the next generation of clinician scientists.
The resulting diversity in broadest sense empowers us to improve human health through research and translation of novel knowledge.
We provide fertile soil to our basic researchers and clinician scientists working in research institutions at the University of Zurich or at one of our academic hospitals.
Contact: Prof. Maries van den Broek, Vice-Dean for Research
The University of Zurich and the Faculty of Medicine are part of prestigious National Centers of Competence in Research (NCCRs). These large programs are multidisciplinary and involve different Swiss universities.
National Center of Competence in Research
“Hochschulmedizin Zurich” supports multidisciplinary research projects in biomedicine and therefore, promotes the sustainable building of novel science networks, competence centers and platforms in Zurich.
Hochschulmedizin UZH
The LOOP Zurich is a translational research center with a focus on biomedicine and bioinformatics. The LOOP Zurich supports projects that optimally exploit the unique and complementing expertise of the University of Zurich, the ETH Zurich and our four academic hospitals in a concerted action.
The LOOP Zurich
The University of Zurich has installed University Research Priority Programs (URPPs) that support innovative, high-risk/high-gain, cross-faculty research consortia. URPPs are supported for 12 years and oftentimes yield sustainable research networks and platforms.
University Research Priority Programs
Like URPPs, the Clinical Research Priority Programs (CRPPs) support multidisciplinary consortia withing the Faculty of Medicine. Fostering physician scientists is an important goal of these programs.
The University of Zurich offers state-of-the-art core facilities and technology platforms to researchers on all academic levels.
Technology Platforms
On September 28, 2021, the executive board of the university approved the open science policy. The aim is to establish Open Science as the norm.
Open Science
Open Access of publications (SNSF)
The University of Zurich has a policy of transparency concerning research involving animals. The Faculty of Medicine stands up for the necessity of animal experimentation in a respectful and responsible way.
More information can be found here
Research involving animals
By using the “Data Protection and Ethics Self-Assessment Tool” (DESAT), researchers can assess, whether their research project involves any data protection and ethical issues that require further investigations. More information can be found here:
Data Protection and Ethics Self-Assessment Tool
Clinical research usually requires approval by the Cantonal Ethics Commitee (KEK); using DESAT helps to evaluate, whether the research project falls into the scope of the Human Research Act. More information can be found here:
Kantonale Ethikkommission
The UZH Department of Data Protection can be contacted for consulation in case os specific data protection issues. More information can be found here:
UZH Department of Data Protection
The Clinical Trial Center of the University Hospital Zurich supports researchers in finding solutions for data protection and ethical issues. More information can be found here:
USZ Clinical Trials Center
Commission for Research Strategy
The commission for research strategy supports the faculty in implementing pursuing its mission.
Prof. Matthias Baumgartner
Prof. Maries van den Broek
Prof. Sebastian Jessberger
Prof. Klaas Enno Stephan
Prof. Bruno Weber
Prof. Claudia Witt
Contact: Prof. Maries van den Broek
The research commission is responsible for reviewing grant applications submitted to local foundations as well as to university research programs. The members of the research commission represent the individual disciplines of our faculty.
Prof. Adriano Aguzzi
Prof. Matthias Baumgartner
Prof. Burkhard Becher
Prof. Felix Beuschlein
Prof. Maries van den Broek
Prof. Olivier Devuyst
Prof. Oliver Distler
Prof. Raimund Dutzler
Prof. Thomas Frauenfelder
Prof. Philipp Fürnstahl
Prof. Ana Guerreiro Stücklin
Prof. Simon Hoerstrup
Prof. Sebastian Jessberger
Prof. Ronald Jung
Prof. Brigitte Leeners
Prof. Kuno Lehmann
Prof. Mitch Levesque
Prof. Holger Moch
Prof. Anne Müller
Prof. Milo Puhan
Prof. Boris Quednow
Prof. Gerhard Rogler
Prof. Frank Ruschitzka
Prof. Erich Seifritz
Prof. Lukas Sommer
Prof. Klaas Enno Stephan
Prof. Silke Sterz
Prof. Dominik Straumann
Prof. Arnold von Eckardstein
Prof. Annelies Zinkernagel
Contact: Prof. Maries van den Broek
Our assistant professors have a background in medicine, veterinary medicine, dentistry, or life sciences and work as basic scientists or physician scientists. We offer individual mentoring meetings once a year as well as a biannual community-building event ( APéro).
The Faculty of Science offers a Master of Science program for students of medicine, veterinary medicine, or dentistry.
Master of Science in Biomedicine
The University of Zurich hosts a unique diversity of PhD programs (graduate schools) dedicated to life sciences.
Four programs are hosted by the Faculty of Medicine:
A complete list and further information about all PhD programs in the Life Science Graduate School Zurich can be found here
An overview of funding programs can be found here
Research Funding
The Faculty of Medicine has established three unique funding programs to promote the career of clinician scientists. Both competitive programs cover protected research time, thus enabling the balancing act between clinical duties and research. Grantees will be mentored throughout the grant period.
Recognizing the demanding nature of clinician scientists' roles, UMZH is launching the first call for the Advanced Clinician Scientist Program, which aims to boost the research careers of clinician scientists while supporting their clinical work. The program operates on a three-year funding cycle, offering resources for an independent research project, with an annual funding limit of CHF 200.000.
Link to Calls
Filling the Gap is a 2-year career development plan
Filling the Gap
ERC-for-me specifically supports clinician scientists by protected time to conceive and write an ERC Starting Grant or ERC Consolidator Grant. Currently, Switzerland is excluded from the ERC programs, but the SNSF covers this vacuum (SNSF Starting Grants). Therefore, clinician scientists are emphatically invited to submit ERC-for-me proposals.
ERC-for-me - Guidelines (PDF, 157 KB)
Various local foundations offer funding opportunities researchers of the Faculty of Medicine.
List of foundations that support research in (bio)medicine:
Foundations and Awards
List of foundations that support research in specific areas:
Stiftungen und Preise (PDF, 419 KB)
1st Annual Biomedicine Community Day (PDF, 110 KB)
Cutting Edge Topics: Seminars in Immunology & Infection Biology
Lecture series in Molecular Life Sciences
Seminars in Evolutionary Medicine
Seminars Institute of Molecular Cancer Research
Seminars at the Institute of Anatomy
Seminars at the Institute of Physiology
Name | First name | Faculty | Institute/Department | Call |
Bodenmiller | Bernd | MNF/MeF | Department of Quantitative Biomedicine | 2013 |
Hale | Benjamin G. | MeF/MNF | Institute of Medical Virology | 2013 |
Jinek | Martin | MeF/MNF | Department of Biochemistry | 2013 |
Földy | Csaba | MeF | Brain Research Institute | 2014 |
Greter | Melanie | MeF/MNF | Institute of Experimental Immunology | 2014 |
Kouyos | Roger | MeF | Department of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology | 2014 |
Scharnowski | Frank | MeF | Clinic for Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics | 2014 |
Joller | Nicole | MeF/MNF | Institute of Experimental Immunology | 2015 |
Karayannis | Theofanis | MeF | Brain Research Institute | 2015 |
Sendöl | Ataman | MeF | Institute for Regenerative Medicine | 2017 |
Lienkamp | Soeren | MeF | Institute of Anatomy | 2018 |
Emmert | Maximilian | MeF | Institute for Regenerative Medicine | 2019 |
Patriarchi | Tommaso | MeF/MNF | Institute of Pharmacology und Toxicology | 2020 |
Brugger | Silvio | MeF | Department of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology | 2022 |
Kusejko | Katharina | MeF | Department of Infectious Diseases and Hospital Epidemiology | 2023 |
Nobs | Samuel | MeF/MNF | Institute of Physiology | 2023 |
Wehrle | Flavia | MeF | Children's Hospital | 2023 |
Cavazza | Tommaso | MeF | Department of Reproductive Endocrinology | 2024 |
Bacigaluppi | Marco | MeF | Center for Molecular Cardiology | 2024 |
De Feo | Donatella | MeF/MNF | Institute of Experimental Immunology | 2024 |
Ellegast | Jana | MeF | Medical Oncology and Hematology | 2024 |
Goehring | Tobias | MeF | Otolaringology | 2024 |
Name | First name | Faculty | Institute/Department | Call |
Lopes | Massimo | MeF/MNF | Institute of Molecular Cancer Research | 2013 |
Jessberger | Sebastian | MeF | Brain Research Institute | 2014 |
Müller | Anne | MeF/MNF | Institute of Molecular Cancer Research | 2014 |
Cejka | Peter | MeF/MNF | Institute of Molecular Cancer Research | 2015 |
Jessberger | Sebastian | MeF | Brain Research Institute | 2015 |
Razansky | Daniel | MeF | Institute of Medical Technology | 2015 |
Seeger | Markus | MeF | Institute of Medical Microbiology | 2017 |
Bach | Dominik | MeF | Clinic for Counseling Psychiatry and Psychsomatics | 2018 |
Greter | Melanie | MeF/MNF | Institute of Experimental Immunology | 2018 |
Jinek | Martin | MeF/MNF | Department of Biochemistry | 2018 |
Bodenmiller | Bernd | MNF/MeF | Department of Quantitative Biomedicine | 2019 |
Nombela-Arrieta | César | MeF | Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology Clinic | 2019 |
Schwank | Gerald | MeF/MNF | Institute of Phamacology and Toxicology |
2021 |
Arnold | Isabelle | MeF/MNF | Institute of Experimental Immunology | 2022 |
Name | First name | Faculty | Institute/Department | Call |
Dutzler | Raimund | MeF/MNF | Department of Biochemistry | 2013 |
Martin | Roland | MeF | Neurology Clinic | 2013 |
Aguzzi | Adriano | MeF | Institute of Neuropathology | 2014 |
Helmchen | Fritjof | MeF | Brain Research Institute | 2014 |
Becher | Burkhard | MeF/MNF | Institute of Experimental Immunology | 2019 |
Jessberger | Sebastian | MeF | Brain Research Institute | 2021 |
Helmchen | Fritjof | MeF | Brain Research Institute | 2022 |
Wolf | Martin | MeF | Neonatology |
Name | First name | Faculty | Institute/Department | Call |
Plückthun | Andreas | MeF/MNF | Department of Biochemistry | 2018 |
Medalia | Ohad |
SNSF-Ambizione recipients (2008 onwards) |
Name |
First name |
Call |
Sartori | Alessandro | 2008 |
Kränkel | Nicolle | 2009 |
Margolis | David | 2009 |
Seeger | Markus | 2009 |
Pachlopnik Schmid | Jana | 2011 |
Schuepbach | Reto | 2011 |
Bachmann | Ruxandra | 2012 |
Kouyos | Roger | 2012 |
Lenggenhager | Bigna | 2012 |
Mühleisen | Beda | 2012 |
Karlo | Christoph | 2013 |
Saab | Bechara | 2013 |
Mertens | Joachim | 2014 |
Ayaz | Asli | 2015 |
Natalucci | Giancarlo | 2015 |
Santello | Mirko | 2015 |
Stein | Sokrates | 2015 |
Trück | Johannes | 2015 |
Urwyler | Olivier | 2015 |
Tritten | Lucienne | 2016 |
Fioretta | Emanuela | 2017 |
Richetto | Juliet | 2017 |
Mundt | Sarah | 2019 |
Notter | Tina Fabia | 2020 |
Gaspari | Sevasti | 2021 |
Rupprecht | Peter | 2021 |
Diaz Canestro | Candela | 2022 |
Han | Shuting | 2022 |
Herwerth | Martina | 2022 |
Müller-Durovic | Bojana | 2022 |
Rust | Ruslan | 2022 |
Wieczorek | Maud | 2022 |
Name | First name | Faculty | Institute/Department | Call |
Osto | Elena | MeF | Institute of Clinical Chemistry | 2017 |
Tugues | Sonia | MeF/MNF | Institute of Experimental Immunology | 2017 |
Kassube | Susanne | MeF/MNF | Department of Biochemistry | 2020 |
Magnani | Chiara | MeF | Department of Medical Oncology and Hematology Clinic | 2020 |
Zhang | Xiaomin | MeF | Brain Research Institute | 2021 |
Name | First name | Faculty | Institute/Department | Call |
Gari | Kerstin | MeF/MNF | Institute for Molecular Cancer Research | 2012 |
Greter | Melanie | MeF/MNF | Institute of Experimental Immunology | 2012 |
Seeger | Markus | MeF | Institute of Medical Microbiology | 2012 |
Joller | Nicole | MeF/MNF | Institute of Experimental Immunology | 2013 |
Flatz | Lukas | MeF | Dermatologische Klinik und Kantonsspital St. Gallen | 2014 |
Vayena | Effy | MeF | Institute of Biomedical Ethics and History of Medicine | 2014 |
Gebhard | Catherine | MeF | Clinic for Nuclear medicine and Center for Cardiology | 2015 |
Bachmann | Ruxandra | MeF | Institute of Medical Genetics | 2016 |
Wegener | Susanne | MeF | Neurology Clinic | 2016 |
Freund | Patrick | MeF | Spinal Cord Injury Center, Balgrist | 2018 |
Moor | Andreas | MeF/MNF | Institute for Molecular Cancer Research | 2018 |
Arnold | Isabelle | MeF/MNF | Institute of Experimental Immunology | 2019 |
Saab | Aiman | MeF | Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology | 2019 |
Guerreiro Stücklin | Ana | MeF | Pediatric Oncology, Children's Hospital | 2020 |
Schneider | Christop | MeF | Institute of Physiology | 2020 |
Kidney.CH* | |
Evolving Language | |
ITINERARE: Innovative Therapies in Rare Diseases | |
Translational Cancer Research | |
AdaBD: Adaptive Brain Circuits in Development and Learning | |
Dynamik Gesunden Alterns | |
Evolution in Action: From Genomes to Ecosystems | |
Human Reproduction Reloaded | H2R | |
* expired